Making the Most of Summer at the State House


Late summer is often a slow period at the State House, and the lull may feel disorienting when you’re used to its hustle and bustle. 

In Massachusetts, June and July can be turbulent as the legislature works to pass the budget for the coming fiscal year. During even-numbered years, the first half of summer is particularly intense for staffers: not only is there the budget, there’s also the mad dash to the end of the formal session on July 31st.

All this activity is followed by a sudden drop in August. While candidates for office are shoring up for fall elections, seated legislators are often dialing back their workload. Those up for reelection may be focusing on their campaigns, leaving you with less direction than usual.

Here are a few ideas for making the most of those quiet Augusts at the State House. 

1. Map the Next 6 Months

Use this break to be thoughtful about the next six months. Whether for your boss’s keystone priorities or budgeting big issues like healthcare and school funding, this is valuable time for crafting your roadmap. Don’t forget to balance big bills with localized legislation that may still require a roll call vote. 

If you’re in the first year, you really only have until mid-November before the first session ends. In the second year, it’s unlikely that every piece of legislation you care about passed between January and July, so you’ll need to regroup and reorganize. Either way, this is an essential strategizing time. 

Make a plan and hit the ground running in the fall. 

2. Act Locally

If it’s slow at the State House, now is the perfect opportunity to think about how your state senator or representative can show up for their constituents. A slower pace means more time to listen to what people need. 

Be proactive about scheduling constituent meetings, hosting events - like a neighborhood block party or food drive - and making sure your legislator spends time with the people they represent. This is the moment to execute on those great one-off projects you’ve dreamed of for the district. These types of projects are also great to allow interns to have concrete tasks and accomplishments to point to at the end of their time with you.

For some offices, summer can actually end up being the busiest season as they focus on bolstering constituent services.

3. Clear Out Your Workspace

You’ve heard of spring cleaning, but summer cleaning may be the way to go! As part of your long-term organizing, it’s time to finally go through those stacks of paper piling up for months. Don’t forget about your email too (and check out Legislata’s tools for inbox management so that your correspondences don’t get too backlogged).

These little changes to your environment can go a long way.

4. Schedule Meetings for Yourself 

If you often find yourself working too hard to reach out to people you want to meet, now could be a great time to make those connections.

Give some thought to your career path and whose experiences you want to learn about. Try to book some lunches and (iced) coffees while people have the availability to meet.

5. Enjoy Summer!

Take opportunities to work or eat lunch outside when the weather is nice. If you don’t need to take transcriptive notes for a meeting, consider taking a walk with someone instead of sitting down in the office. For staffers who are still working remotely, you can explore working from different spots near home.

You deserve a breather too, and to enjoy New England’s special summers! Taking breaks is also key to combating burnout and maintaining your health long-term. Make time to hang out with friends, explore the outdoors, and reenergize before the calendar picks up again after Labor Day. You spend all year working for others, so don’t forget to carve out some time for yourself when you can.

How Legislata Can Help

Legislata is a productivity software. Our team has experienced firsthand the challenges of working in the State House, and we want to help those at the frontline of government serve their constituents in ways that make everyone’s lives easier. Get in touch for information on how Legislata can work for your office.


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